Sunday, 24 November 2024

Ancient Egyptian quantum physics

So I've now come across further evidence of Ancient Egyptian quantum physics. 

This is a picture from the rule of Akhenaten - check Wikipediea for his history, pretty bold moves. Anyway on top of moving the Ancient Egyptian capital and mandating the worship of only the Sun god, he also lay the foundations of wave-particle duality. 

[Which is the current explanation of the Youngs double slit experiment - again check Wikipedia for details - where a photon (or any particle for that  matter) also acts as a wave! It's like magic and nobody really knows how it works, even given all the fancy mathematics we have these days.]

Here is the Akhenaten evidence.....

The Sun's rays are now depicted as lines with a hand at the end. The 'particle' triangles have now gone. Clearly the hand is there so that it can represent a 'wave'. 

Hence, (along with previsous post's) it shows evidence of Solar radiation being recorded as both particles and waves..... 👽

This of course calls into doubt the previous neutrino explanation of the triangles. So back to the triangles representing photons me thinks.....more research needed.

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