Sunday, 3 January 2016

2015 start of a new era

Well 2015 all in all was a bit of a blast. Not only did it herald in the start of my new business NTTX Advisory and winning a couple of sizeable contract it also saw me getting back to a bit of research.

The business is now up and running with things moving a lot faster that I originally intended. Which hasn't done much for my early semi-retirement plan but has been great fun and given me a reboot on a number of fronts.

The research and development has resulted in 2 papers both to be presented this year. One in Sardinia and the other in Brussels. Both on the use of 'big data' in risk assessment. On the back of this work we are developing a software product called ELBowTie which will implement the approach by integrating enterprise data into a living risk management tool. All very exciting! Well done to the Dev team of Alex, Richardsthe and Ray in getting this off the ground while not being paid for any of it! It is a bootstrap startup after all!

A lot of code designing went on last year - which is a step in the right direction with respect to the revival plan.


Friday, 20 November 2015

Hackathons - the rise!

Corporate led hackathons are what I'm mulling over.

Hackathon or Exploitathon - that's all I have to say.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

The Potential for Using Big Data Analytics to Predict Safety Risks by Analysing Rail Accidents

Railways 2016
The Third International Conference on
Railway Technology:
Research, Development and Maintenance
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
5-8 April 2016

My first research paper in over 25 years will be presented at the above conference! 

Big Data what does it mean for safety management. 

The Potential for Using Big Data Analytics to Predict Safety Risks by Analysing Rail Accidents.
Dr Howard Parkinson CEng FIMechE MIRSE
Rail System Engineering Limited
Dr Gary Bamford FBCS, CEng, CITP
NTTX Advisory Limited

Plus we have 'invented' a new safety product, plus the conference is in Sardinia - can't wait. It's all top-secret until next April of course.

Now working on the follow on paper ..... onward and upward!

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Big Data accidents

I am getting to hate the term but appear to be being dragged into the 'Big Data' foray. Everyone seems to be rabbiting on about it so though I may as well have a go too.

I'm running the risk of letting the cat out of the bag here as myself and a colleague Howard Parkinson (contact site are in the process of writing a couple of papers on the subject. Both papers have a focus on its use in the management of safety within the rail industry.

The idea is to investigate how 'Big Data' and it's sidekick 'Analytics' can be used to help prevent accidents.

One thorny issue which has come up right at the start relates to the collection of personal data. We have generated a safety data taxonomy - business, operational, asset, social, personal etc, as part of the study. Of course safety management has a focus on the people and a large fraction of accidents are caused by - people. So, our study may be a short one if the data that matters for the 'analytics bit' is driven by staff related information. Not sure the rail industry is ready for that one with all its security and privacy issues.

We shall see - more later ......

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Safety Risk Management Training

Another phase of the revival involves training provision!

Just released an overview of our safety risk management training courses - see following link.

There are big elements of system design and software simulation in all this so make sure you know what your doing (see previous posts).

Hopefully the training pack will help bring through some new physics/engineering/computing talent.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Do you value innovation?

So the past few months have been extremely interesting on the work front.

One of the activities I've been involved in is building innovation ideas for a major rail client.

The transport industry in the UK has gone mad with innovation. All sorts of 'innovative' schemes are hitting the streets for all and sundry to bid for. Which in itself it's not a problem provided the value of submissions can be evaluated appropriately. However, therein lies the problem. Just how do you value an innovation idea.

I suppose it's relatively easy if the idea is well advanced and the value can be measured in a business generated manner. However, the ideas we came up with are potentially major game changers. Value gone bonkers but not easy to demonstrate when what's needed is a period of research to prove the idea has legs. Not easy to show what the return on investment is.

To get these ideas off the ground there is a need to be able to play around and try out things to develop proof of concept or a demonstrator. However, not everyone views this 'playing' the same - one classic comment was 'well they are great ideas to fund student beer drinking for a year'. Fortunately, they (eventually) saw the potential value was worth funding the beer for a while ;)

Bigger organisations appear to be more comfortable with incremental change rather than radical new ideas, as most have ready made processes in place for evaluating and funding them. The radical changes need to be part of a research and development approach. R and D does not sit well in most of these organisations.

Our solution ..... see future posts on how things work out.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Big Data Stories

Wondering what big data is all about?

A few examples of 'big data' projects recently - published on my asset management topic area.

Asset Management Engineering |